
How To Clean A Bathroom With Baking Soda

The dishwasher is a work horse appliance. If it stops running, you quickly feel the pain of not having one. Trust me on this. My new dishwasher has conked out four times in one year. 4! We went through 1) a rock stuck in the drain to 2) the sprayers not working properly to 3) the door not sealing to 4) a leak in the drain line. Can you get a lemon dishwasher?! Not surprisingly, now I take great care to keep our dishwasher clean and running smoothly. After a bit of research, I learned the best way to clean a dishwasher (vinegar and baking soda, duh) and how to make it run more efficiently.

How To Clean Dishwasher With Vinegar + Baking Soda

1. Clean the filter

Most new dishwashers have filters that need to be cleaned manually. It's part of what makes newer dishwasher quieter, but you'll need to be more diligent about removing gunk trapped in the filter. When it gets clogged, water doesn't drain as well and you'll start to get funky smells.

Pick one day a week, like Sunday, to empty the dishwasher, pull out the bottom rack, and then remove the filter. It's usually easy to unscrew and take apart, but check with your owner's manual if you have questions. Give the parts a good rinse and scrub in the sink.

Food can also get stuck in the spray arms. If dishes aren't getting fully cleaned, this could be the reason. You can take out the spray arms and check for clogs. A toothpick works well to dislodge whatever is trapped in there.

2. Clean dishwasher with vinegar

White vinegar is excellent for removing hard water and soap buildup, along with any lingering odors. Add 2 cups of vinegar to a clean dishwasher-safe bowl or measuring cup and place it in the top rack. (Note: there's conflicting advice about whether to put the vinegar on the top or bottom rack. I've not seen any evidence on why it matters so do whichever you prefer.)

How To Clean Dishwasher With Vinegar + Baking SodaThen run the dishwasher through a cleaning cycle on the hottest setting with no detergent (and no dirty dishes, obvs). The vinegar will be dispersed over the dishwasher, clearing out stains and smells and leaving it sparkling clean.

3. Clean dishwasher with baking soda

If funky, musty odors are still lingering after the vinegar cleaning, then it's time to try baking soda. Sprinkle a cup or two of baking soda around the bottom of the dishwasher. Then run a cleaning cycle again with hot water. The baking soda will help clear out unpleasant smells and also make the inside of the dishwasher shine.

How To Clean Dishwasher With Vinegar + Baking Soda

4. Make the dishwasher run better

Now that the dishwasher is cleaned and deodorized, it's time for a lesson in ways to make the dishwasher run more effectively. Because, trust me, you don't want to wait two weeks for the repairman without a dishwasher.

Prevention is your friend.

See above for checking and cleaning the filter every week. Getting into the habit of actually cleaning the dishwasher on a regular basis will save you time, money, and manual dishwashing down the road.

Don't overcrowd.

We're all guilty of the Tetris-like dishwasher game to find a way to squeeze in one more cup. Before you go cramming more in, remember that dishes too close together won't get rinsed and cleaned as well. And is there anything more irritating than unloading the dishwasher, only to find cups and bowls with stuck on food?

Prerinse but don't prewash.

Speaking of stuck on food, it's a waste of time and water to prewash dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. However, it is helpful to give plates a quick rinse to remove leftover food. Especially if it will be a day or so before you run the dishwasher. The dishes will be easier to wash, and so will your weekly filter cleaning.

Run hot water & the garbage disposal before starting.

I've started running the sink faucet until I get hot water before starting the dishwasher. While the water is heating up, I run the garbage disposal to make sure it's cleared out since my dishwasher drains through the disposal. That way when I start the dishwasher it will fill up with hot water instead of cold, and it can easily drain out food waste.

Got a leak? Check the seals.

The rubber seals around the door can get gross and sticky, which can lead to a bad seal…which can lead to leaks. Every so often run over the area with a wet rag to keep things clean.


How To Clean A Bathroom With Baking Soda


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