
How Long To Clean Out Colon For Colonoscopy

8 Helpful Tips for Colonoscopy Prep

Colonoscopy Prep

How many times have you heard this: "The colonoscopy isn't bad, but the prep is awful!"? Though information technology'south joked about, the prep is an essential part of a successful colonoscopy. If not done correctly, an additional colonoscopy may be needed. Your doctor needs to exist able to view all parts of your colon and any stool residue will make it hard for them. Follow these tips to become prepared for your colonoscopy.

1. Get your colonoscopy prep

In that location are several colonoscopy preps your doctor may prescribe. No thing the brand, they take similar instructions and most are available but by prescription. Just about all pharmacies volition be able to fill up your prescription.

2. Hash out your current medications and supplements with your doctor

Your dr. volition give y'all specific instructions based on the medications you are taking. You may be instructed to stop taking stool formers, vitamins, and iron supplements five days earlier your appointment.

Your doctor volition discuss instructions that volition help you lot manage your blood saccharide and still be ready for your colonoscopy if you lot are diabetic.

3. Shop for your articulate liquid drinks and foods

Yous will stop eating nuts, seeds, and raw vegetables ii days before your procedure. These foods accept the longest to digest.

Y'all will start a clear liquid diet on the twenty-four hour period earlier your appointment. Stock up on items like popsicles, gelatin, and articulate broth. You tin can beverage java, tea, apple tree juice, soft drinks, and Gatorade, so purchase plenty of your favorites. Coffee and tea tin be sweetened, but don't add cream or milk.

It is important to avoid anything with cerise or majestic dyes. These dyes can make the colour of your colon change and interfere with your physician's assessment.

4. Clear your schedule and claim the bath

Y'all will not desire to stray far from the bathroom once you lot start your prep. Find someone to care for your children and pets. Cancel volume club and other social and work engagements. Yous certainly don't want to be in a Zoom meeting when y'all first your prep!

Stake your claim to your favorite bathroom – you lot can even put up a sign. If there is merely one bath in the house, you will want to coordinate schedules with your family. Have them take their toiletries and other necessities out earlier y'all get started.

v. Prepare your bath sanctuary

Having entertainment available during the purge procedure can help the fourth dimension laissez passer. Accept some books and magazines nearby. Bring your phone or tablet along with the charger into the bathroom. It might exist dainty to have a radio or speakers to heed to music.

At present is the time to put out some good, soft toilet paper and wipes. You can use diaper cream or other soothing creams prior to starting the prep. If yous have hemorrhoids, proceed your favorite topical cream handy. The diarrhea that comes with the prep volition likely irritate them.

6. Habiliment comfortable clothes

Your softest, loosest clothing is a great pick to habiliment during the prep for your colonoscopy. Yous will be on or near the toilet for a good corporeality of time and you volition be grateful for pants that are easy to remove when the urge hits.

7. Double-check the prep instructions and drinkable-upward

Each brand of prep drink has different instructions. It is of import that you spend fourth dimension reviewing the instructions to get the timing and doses right. You will beverage some of the prep solution the evening earlier your process and the rest in the morning.

eight. Don't finish until information technology's gone

The goal of the prep for colonoscopy is to completely rid your body of food particles. Your bowel movements will be watery and clear or light yellow. It is still important to go on drinking your prep until it is completely gone fifty-fifty if your stool has go clear.

The prep process can be a little scary the first time. These steps will help you lot breeze through it. The good news is that at that place is usually very little discomfort. Yous will likely be able to sleep through the night once the beginning round of evening prep is over.

Finding colon polyps early before they can go cancerous tin save your life and doing the prep is worth it. Schedule your colonoscopy appointment today.

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